Last visited: 11/2022
We stayed at Barrier Island Station

All makes this so blessed cool??? Well, first, it has the highest population of black bears in the world, with as many as 22,000 estimated to be living in about 152,000 acres. Many locals will gather at sunrise or sunset to count the number of bears. One of local said he had seen 35 in one night! Hikers, kayakers and bikers will often pass by black bears in the trenches beside the roads without even knowing it. We always tend to visit in the winter months, so we have not knowingly seen any bear during our visits. On top of that, this is one of the only places where the endangered red wolf can be seen. Alligators, quail, eagles...are just a few of the awesome varieties of animal life that you can find here.
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The visitors center is on the small island of Manteo, just down the road from the aquarium. It is a well kept museum that shows the history of the surrounding area.
